Salem Mutant Toy Workshop

Join us as we turn toys into instruments using circuit bending. FREE!

Saturday, December 11, 2021

12:00 Noon @ RiverCity Rock Star Academy

2990 Pringle Rd. SE, Unit 102, Salem OR 97302

Have you ever wanted to be a mad scientist version of Santa for the holidays? Well, now is your chance! With a few modifications to some basic toys, you'll be able to conjure up all kinds of odd, weird, and funky sounds via your modified mutant toy! Learn useful skills from circuit bending such as soldering, signal flow, wire splicing, and voltage starving. You can then take your mutant toy and newfound skills and make your whacky mods at home anytime! After the workshop, we’ll have a crazy fun time showing the toys to everyone at the Yule Music Day mutant toy parade on December 21st! It's bound to make even Frankenstein proud!

Space is limited for this extraordinary event. The first seven (7) people to sign up are guaranteed a place to join the Mutant Toy Workshop. To reserve your spot, complete this form

The mutant toy mods will perform a holiday song at Make Music Day Salem’s Winter Solstice event, ‘Yule Make Music,’ on Tuesday, December 21st, downtown Salem starting at 5:00 pm outside at Noble Wave, located at 189 Liberty Street NE in Salem.


Yule Make Music - 12/21


Make Music Salem 2021 Registration Now Open!